- Up at 6 am and off on a full day hike near Braso Seco.
- Home by 6 pm and squeezed in a bit of school work
- Up at 6 am for our weekly bike/roller blade on the highway.
- Home by 7:30 so that Paul could go and volunteer with I Can Adventures for the morning.
- Pick up frisbee at 5 pm and to celebrate Diana's departure, ice cream at Hagen Daaz.
- Home at 7:30, just in time to finish the weekend with some prep for school.
- Paul continued to fix hacked Maple Leaf website
- To school by 6:40 to teach for the day.
- Paul kicked off the deer hunt for elementary students.
- Gayle ran a Science Fair workshop for grade 4.
- After school volleyball "training" for elementary kids by Gayle
- Paul continued to fix hacked Maple Leaf website
- Regular teaching duties
- Deer hunt continued
- Gayle ran a Science Fair workshop for grade 5.
- Paul coached elementary soccer after school
- Frisbee at 7pm
- Regular classes
- Gayle coordinated University of Waterloo Math workshops
- Gayle ran a Science Fair workshop for grade 6
- Deer hunt continued
- Paul had his math class test the new laptops which was not glitch free :(
- Paul led PD at after school staff meeting
- Regular classes
- Deer hunt round 2
- Gayle ran a Science Fair workshop for grade 5
- Paul attended the PTA meeting after school to inform them of the Sports Day plan
- Regular classes
- Left school at 2:20 to go and see turtles on the north coast
Needless to say, the week flew by!!!
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